Younghoon Kim

What is language really for?

Rethinking the purpose of language Language is often considered one of the distinctive cognitive abilities of complex organisms, particularly humans, who seem to exhibit unique forms of communicati...

The brain's joke : we strive to be mindless zombies

What is consciousness? The subject of consciousness has been an intriguing topic in the fields of science and philosophy for centuries. I am of the opinion that the most significant reason for the...

Can a psychoanalyst understand a patient?

Discomfortness about pyschoanalytic theories As a third-year resident psychiatrist, I am currently providing psychoanalytic psychotherapy to four of my patients. I have little experience with psyc...

Hippocampal spatio-predictive cognitive maps adaptively guide reward generalization

Key Ideas Humans live in complex, ever-changing environments. However, experiences are rarely independent, and environments are constructed with a statistical structure as it’s backbone. Ther...

People construct simplified mental representations

Key Ideas Developed a clever maze navigation task consisted with multiple obstacles to understand how humans form task construals in their brain Theoretical details Task construals Let a tas...

Dream to control : Learning behaviors by latent imagination

Key Ideas Learns long-horizon behaviors from images purely by latent imagination; predicts both actions and state values in the latent space. Theoretical details Formulating Task Let us for...

This is how hippocampus learns states - 2

In the previous post, we reviewed how states are represented and learned through the entorhinal-hippocampal circuit. While sleeping or resting however, rodents do not literally ‘replay’ their exper...

This is how hippocampus learns states - 1

Despite the overwhelming victory of AlphaGo against human beings in 2016, artificial intelligence still does not replace human beings in many fields. Most artificial intelligence that has shown hum...

Single neuronal predictions of other's beliefs in humans

Task Setting 피험자들은 false-belief task의 verbal 버전을 진행하였다. False-belief task는 다른 사람에 대한 이해, 즉 Theory of Mind에 대해 이해하는데 상당히 유용한 task로 오랜시간동안 많은 곳에서 사용되어왔다. Task 자체는 굉장히 conventional method를 썼지만 재밌는...